Sculptra in Brookline Addresses the Effects of Aging—and the Causes
Not all anti-aging treatments are the same. Sculptra rises above by being a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator. Your Dream Spa Medical expert injector places this dermal filler at different depths and at different viscosity levels to achieve your dream results.
Besides filling and contouring, Sculptra revitalizes collagen production in the deep dermis for better structure along with volume.

“Promote facial skin collagen production with Sculptra injections at Dream Spa!”

Fine lines & wrinkles
Deep lines & wrinkles
Marionette lines
Laugh lines
Chin folds
Nasolabial folds
Lost collagen

The Sculptra Process
Refreshing your youthful appearance begins with a personal consultation. We’ll chat about your goals and concerns, then assess your target areas. If Sculptra in Brookline is the right fit, we’ll set up your appointment.
During the treatment, your skilled provider administers Sculptra, strategically injecting it at various depths to achieve your enhancements. A gentle massage ensures Sculptra reaches its full potential, leaving you looking your best.

Look Better & Feel Better Today
Let our team help you on your aesthetic journey!
Good candidates for Sculptra are between 25 and 75 years of age and seek to restore fullness to areas of the face that have seen volume loss—whether from the natural aging process or fluctuations in weight. Also, Sculptra candidates want a semi-permanent treatment to give their faces a more youthful aesthetic.
Good candidates shouldn’t be pregnant or trying to get pregnant, be breastfeeding, have an autoimmune disease, suffer from acne/eczema/psoriasis, or take blood thinners regularly.
While Sculptra is a highly safe product that allows patients to forgo the potential complications of surgical treatments, it does come with some potential side effects:
- Irritation around the injection site
- Discoloration of the skin
- Allergic reactions
- Facial cysts and nodules
Be sure to talk about any allergies or sensitivities you may have during your consultation.
Sculptra in Brookline delivers noticeable results that emerge gradually—but that also last up to 2 years. You may not see immediate results. Your Sculptra aesthetics plan builds upon the positive results of each session, achieving optimal results within 2 to 4 weeks after the third session.
Because results happen gradually, you’ll see subtle yet noticeable results in the reduction of facial wrinkles and folds by comparing images before treatment and a couple months following treatment. The end results are filled hollows, smoothed lines, erased wrinkles, and facial contours that match how you want them to appear!
Pre- & Post-Care Instructions for Sculptra in Brookline
- Women who are pregnant or nursing should not be treated with dermal fillers.
- Women who are actively trying to conceive should consult their physician prior to receiving dermal fillers.
- Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks’ time in between any vaccinations and your treatment.
It is best to avoid alcohol and blood-thinning medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) 24 to 48 hours prior to your treatment. This may increase your risk of bruising. - If you have had dental work (including a cleaning) within the past 2 weeks, or are planning to within 2 weeks after your dermal filler treatment, we advise you to defer your treatment until the 2-week mark after your dental treatment.
- If you are actively on any prescription antibiotics or steroids, we ask that you wait 2 weeks to be treated upon completion of the medication course.
- If you are feeling under the weather or are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, it is best to wait until you have fully recovered to be treated.
- You may opt to take Arnica and/or Bromelain tablets for 2 weeks prior to your injections. This will assist with healing and bruising.
- If you are prone to and being treated in an area that may cause a Herpes Labialis outbreak, we suggest pretreating with an antiviral medication for 2 days prior to your treatment and 2 days post-treatment. Dream Spa Medical is happy to provide you with a prescription, assuming that you are a candidate for this prescription.
- We always suggest hydrating as much as possible prior to any treatment at Dream Spa Medical. It is a great way to help your body function at its best and will help to accelerate your healing time as well as enhance results.
- You may consider having at least a snack or a small meal within an hour of your appointment. Getting injected with needles can at times cause one to feel “queasy” or unwell. It always helps to have a little something in your stomach to combat those feelings. We keep juice and snack bars on hand in case you need a little pick-me-up mid-treatment!
- The treatment area will most likely feel sensitive, swollen, and tender to the touch; this may last for up to 2 weeks. If you are experiencing excessive pain, discomfort, throbbing, or excessive swelling in the treated area, please contact Dream Spa Medical immediately so that we can assess if you should be seen by our team.
- Due to the lidocaine anesthetic in the gel, you may feel numbness or tingling immediately after the procedure, which will resolve within an hour.
- If you are being treated in multiple areas or if your provider is making a heavy correction involving a lot of product, you should expect your soreness, swelling, and tenderness to be more elevated. You and your provider can discuss what will fall into the “normal” range, and you will be contacted via phone within 48 hours by your provider to check in and see how your treatment is settling.
- We advise that you take Tylenol for any discomfort for 2 weeks post-treatment. It is best to avoid any type of ibuprofen, as it may increase your risk of bruising.
- Avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activity, sweating, and other activities that involve heat (steam/sauna) for 48 hours.
- Visible injection marks are normal as well as bruising, and these are to be expected in most cases. These will heal normally within 2 weeks. Please do not pick at the injection sites, as this may cause infection.
- Treated areas should be cared for gently when washing your face or applying products. It is best to not touch or manipulate the treated area for at least 48 hours.
- We suggest waiting a full 2 weeks before any additional treatments, such as facials, peels, laser, etc.
Your results will develop over time as the product integrates into your existing tissue. This may take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks.
- Please do not manipulate or massage any area of treatment, unless instructed to do so by your provider. Some areas require massaging, such as the neck. You will be given clear instructions tailored to your treatment before you leave. Your provider will set up a 2 week post-procedure appointment to address any concerns or physical developments, such as bumps in the treated area. Please call Dream Spa Medical if you are unsure about any of these instructions or have any questions.
- Ice or clean, cool compresses may be used in any area of treatment immediately after, up to 48 hours post-procedure. This will help any swelling and discomfort.
- Do not apply makeup over injection points until the day after the procedure. If you need to apply something for hydration to your lips, then please use Aquaphor/Vaseline with a clean cotton tip.
- Try to sleep on your back, with your head elevated, for 1 to 2 nights.
- You may opt to take Arnica tablets or apply Arnica gel for up to 2 weeks post-treatment to assist with healing and bruising. Taking an over-the-counter antihistamine (Zyrtec, Claritin) daily may help minimize swelling.
- We advise that you should not fly on an airplane or any type of aircraft for at least 1 week post-filler. The changes in air pressure and altitude can exacerbate or produce swelling.
Fillers are exciting and beautiful tools that help us enhance and restore your natural beauty. They are also medical treatments that should be performed by an experienced practitioner. At Dream Spa Medical, we believe that safety is of the utmost importance. For this reason, we share these extremely rare but important instances to watch out for post-treatment.
For 2 weeks following your treatment, if you are experiencing any of the following, immediately reach out to Dream Spa Medical via any communication channel available, and we will ensure that you are seen immediately.
- Blanching of the skin in and around the treated area (white almost opaque or frosty patch(es) on the skin).
- Pain beyond the expected level discussed with your provider. Pain that comes and goes or subsides for periods of time is most likely normal. Constant throbbing pain in and around the treated area is abnormal and should be dealt with immediately.
- A cold area that appears on your face post-treatment or a constant tingling sensation.
- A rash that appears in the treated area and is accompanied by pustules or dusky discoloration of the skin.
- A fever and/or chills.
- Discolored blotches in areas that were not treated begin to develop in your skin.
If you are experiencing any symptoms outside of the “normal” range (those mentioned above), please reach out to Dream Spa Medical immediately so that we can work to remedy any and all issues, or simply be a listening ear to your questions and concerns to ensure that you feel comfortable. If you are experiencing an emergency outside of our open hours, please call our clinical emergency line at 781-222-0176.